Friday, 30 September 2011

Toshiba Qosmio X770-10J Review, Features and Specification

Toshiba Qosmio X770-10J

It's never an easy task for a laptop is a piece of laptops, but Toshiba Qosmio X770-10J, who has retired. 17-inch notebook has it all: attractive design and high-quality equipment features such as strong and intelligent automatic keyboard and graphics operations. It attracts a very good package in general is much more than a couple of buyers will be terminated.

The growing popularity of mobile gaming lately. The price of this laptop to the desktop, even higher with the same equipment. However, players who are very enthusiastic on the road or go to LAN parties very, very pleased with this result, the models of satisfaction, to replace a desktop computer. Toshiba Qosmio X770 gaming platform, certainly attract the interest of many buyers.

During the tests, there were three different versions of the Qosmio is available. Admission will cost around € 1300 and called the X770-10J. Prices can be high, but our model was equipped with a powerful 17-inch high-end equipment. Let's start with the graphics card: Toshiba has decided to ready DirectX 11 GeForce GTX 560M.

Intel Core i7 Quad 2630QM is now very fast. 8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a capacity of 1000 GB (500 GB + 500 GB HDD SSH) are equally attractive. The whole package comes with a Blu-ray Disc Combo (CD and DVD) and HD + (1600 x 900). Another $ 100, buyers can take home X770-11W. Capacity increased to 640 GB of disk space, but the key is to update the display: the display Full HD 120 Hz with glasses are included kit (3D Vision) including users can see in the world of 3D video input immersion , photos and games.

X770-107 (~ € 1600) is the flagship, and even better than the other two functions. Instead, Blu-Ray is really a portable Blu-ray. Toshiba wants fans of games and media to win this package. The main drawback of laptops is that the 3D Optimus, which means that only the cheapest laptop X770-10J, automatically mean the absence of integrated graphics and a separate button.

Turbo Boost function, which allows users to easily overclock the processor core, 2.0 and 2.9 GHz (speed may vary depending on the processor). Another interesting feature is, hyper, technology, every heart as the heart of virtual reality can be simulated, allowing the processor to work simultaneously on eight people (4 + 4 virtual reality).


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