Monday, 3 October 2011

Sony VAIO EA Review, Specs and Price


Sony VAIO notebooks and are the cheapest laptop of Sony. 14-inch 15-inch VAIO VAIO EA and EB to bring style and extra features associated with the Sony brand, start at $ 649 for reading AND watching VAIO take.

Sony VAIO AE is the latest multifunction portable 14-inch Sony. E-series notebook is the cheapest laptop in the VAIO and you can probably say that E is in economy class. Laptop computer consists of a combination of matte black plastic and shiny black lava, pink hibiscus, white coconut, passion purple or blue iridescence. Our unit of analysis, coconut white, pearly-white, but perhaps a more accurate description of the colors in real life. All companies are not detectable with plastic and cracking when you press on the body. Although designed as a budget notebook, the VAIO EA feels pretty well built. The display hinges strong enough to ensure the display is not eager to open a laptop hard.

The plastic covering the screen and the touchpad wrists are designed with a layer of acrylic cover different models in different layers. The end result is a building with layers of small leaves in the code from the Matrix movie to look at pixels. It can not be avoided, the description you are considering this laptop, because the effect is subtle, the models were made in layers of the same color as the rest of the laptop. Most people have no design on the cover or your hand as a few meters away from the notebook.

Users who upgrade or change VAIO EA a lot, make them happy when they look at the bottom of the laptop. Engineers from Sony was kind enough to two access panels on the bottom makes the RAM or the hard drive to offer you wish to replace. From our test unit came with 4 GB of RAM and 500 GB hard drive, it is unlikely that most consumers is to upgrade, but if high-performance solid state disk (SSD) decides to buy, you should know you can easily put in EE VAIO.


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